Last Updated on April 14, 2022

When choosing a front-end framework for our web product, appears to be a tricky task. Various frameworks prove to be competitive in the market, so emerging with the best would be pretty challenging. 

The requirements and priorities vary according to the product you want to develop. Your platform will perform well if you pick a framework corresponding to the product’s features and needs. If not chosen carefully, it may lead to development risks and even compromise your product’s security. 

JavaScript is picked the most today, and Angular and Vue are its frameworks. Both are similar pertaining syntax and assist web developers in developing complex and robust apps, software, and web pages. Both come with various pros and cons but are usually used for distinct purposes. 

This post will put forward a perfect understanding of Vue vs Angular, their use cases, advantages, disadvantages, syntax, differences, similarities, and much more. 

Let’s start then!

What Is Vue?

The progressive, performant, approachable, and versatile JavaScript framework, Vue.js, is the best for developing web user interfaces. Why so? 

Let’s elaborate to understand better.

1. Approachable

Vue is developed on top standard HTML, CSS, and JS with intuitive API and top-class documentation. 

2. Performant

Furthermore, it’s a reactive, compiler-optimized rendering system that sometimes needs manual optimization. 

3. Versatile

Javascript framework, Vue is an incrementally adoptable ecosystem that scales between a fully-featured framework and a library. 

Vue.js is a progressive open-source front-end JS framework widely known for its clean script architecture and elegant designs. 

Vue arrives with advanced web tools to build modernistic single-page apps (SPAs) and front-end web apps. With high decoupling, this framework provides opportunities to expand the functionalities of the web app with customized modules and visual components.  

Vue Holds Two Core Features:

1. Declarative Rendering

Vue expands standard HTML with a template syntax that permits us to describe HTML outcomes based on JS state declaratively. 

2. Reactivity

Vue holds the caliber to track JS state changes automatically and efficiently upgrades the DOM when alterations occur. 

What Is Angular?

Also known as Angular CLI and Angular 2+, Angular is a Type-script-based free and open-source web app framework. It’s used as the front-end of the MEAN stack, including  Express.js web application server framework, MongoDB database, Node.js server runtime environment, and Angular.js. It assists businesses in developing scalable web apps. 

Angular was released in 2016, which was a total rewrite of the 2010 AngularJS.

Angular is a standalone front-end framework with built-in libraries and tools that let the size and app speed stay unaffected. It offers development opportunities across every platform through its reusable code that we can use for any development.

Moreover, Angular holds a dynamic UI binding at a property level or plain object and a two-way binding essential for its architecture. 

What Is So Special About The Vue Language?

Vue Language

Vue is easy to write and lightweight, and integrating or migrating current projects into Vue.js would be faster and smoother using its components and templating syntax. 

Therefore, Vue is the best choice for startups, although it is also better for large-scale apps. 

What Is So Special About Angular?

Angular Language

Angular is most preferred because of its better tooling, higher scalability, and cleaner code. 

It’s written using TypeScript language that’s primarily a superset of JavaScript. It entirely compiles to JS but assists in spotting and eliminating common issues when typing the code.

What Is The Vue Use Case?

Vue Language

Well, for the web, there’s no “one size fits all” thing. That’s why Vue is crafted to be flexible and excessively suitable. 

According to your use cases, you can use Vue in various ways to maintain the optimal balance between developer experience, stack complexity, and end performance. 

Let’s check out the use cases of Vue:

1. Standalone Script

You can use Vue as a standalone script file where there’s no need for a build step. If you have a backend framework, rendering most of the HTML or frontend logic is not enough to justify a build step, and it makes it simple to integrate Vue into your stack. You can choose Vue as jQuery’s more declarative replacement in such cases. 

Vue also offers one more distribution known as petite-vue that’s particularly optimized for constantly improving current HTML. It holds a smaller feature set but is much more lightweight and utilizes an implementation that’s more efficient in no-build-step cases. 

2. Single-Page Application (SPA)

Some apps demand non-trivial stateful logic and rich interactivity on the front end. A fantastic way to develop such apps is to utilize an architecture where Vue handles the whole page and controls data navigation and updates without reloading the page. Typically, such an app is known as Single-Page Application (SPA). 

Vue comes with core libraries and complete tooling support with better developer experience for developing modern SPAs, embracing:

  • Quick toolchain
  • Browser dev tools
  • Client-side router
  • Testing utilities
  • TypeScript integrations
  • IDE support

Generally, SPAs need the backend to uncover API endpoints, but you can get the SPA benefit while retaining a server-centric development model by pairing Vue with solutions, such as Inertia.js.

3. Embedded Web Components

Using Vue, you can develop standard Web Components that you can embed in any HTML page, despite their rendering. This option facilitates you to use Vue in a full consumer-agnostic fashion, according to which the web component outcomes can be embedded in legacy apps, static HTML, or even apps developed with other frameworks. 

4. JAMStack / SSG

We can accomplish server-side rendering in advance if static data is needed. It states we can pre-render the whole app into HTML and serve them as static files. It further enhances site performance and makes deployment simpler as we don’t need to render pages on every request dynamically. 

Vue can hydrate such apps to offer rich interactivity to the client. This technique is known as  Static-Site Generation (SSG) or JAMStack. 

5. Fullstack / SSR

When the app is sensitive to time-to-content and SEO, pure client-side SPAs are troublesome. It’s because the browser will get a primarily empty HTML page and need to wait until the JS loads before rendering anything. 

Vue offers top-class APIs to “render” a Vue application into HTML strings on the server. It permits the server to return already-rendered HTML, enabling end-users to view the content while JS downloads immediately.

Later, Vue will “hydrate” the app to make it interactive on the client side. It is known as Server-Side Rendering (SSR), and it enhances Core Web Vital metrics, like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP). 

More Use Cases

However, Vue is mainly crafted for developing web apps; it’s not limited just to the browser. You can use it to:

  • Develop desktop apps with Tauri or Electron.
  • Build mobile and desktop apps from the exact codebase with Quasar.
  • Craft mobile apps with Ionic Vue.
  • Make custom renderers targeting the terminal or WebGL, using Vue’s Custom Renderer API. 

What Is The Angular Use Case?

Angular Language

Angular facilitates developers to build as many apps as they want quickly. 

Let’s now review the top use cases of Angular:

1. eCommerce Applications

You know the customers need to wait for content to load while connecting with an eCommerce app. 

So, to make it rapid and less problematic, you can use Angular to diminish the time of server-side rendering.

Moreover, you can choose Angular to use HTML parsing for search engines. Also, you can update your website seamlessly and autonomously and implement the dynamic page composition using Angular. 

This way, your eCommerce app can get out-of-the-box search engine traffic. Additionally, you can rebuild the app layout and convert it into a flawless-performing app. 

2. Progressive Web Apps 

Angular 5 arrives with built-in support for PWAs, making the PWA development process less complicated. The command-line interface in Angular has increased the usage of Angular as anyone can find it easy to work on it to design and develop PWAs. As Angular is a JS-enabled framework, it permits the development of reliable apps. 

3. Video Streaming Apps

As Google owns Angular, they roll out a new version of Youtube on Playstation 3 (video streaming app). Using Angular, Google has redesigned the PS3 experience by changing the conventional operating strategy to a modern mouse movement to basic keystrokes. 

With Angular accessibility, we can utilize native apps’ functionalities, such as Youtube PS3. 

Angular is best at crafting seamless scrolling and video playback on the YouTube PS3. It’s a new streamlined and ultra-modern experience that Angular delivers and attracts the gamers’ crowd. 

4. Real-time Data Application

Weather reporting apps are popular real-time data apps. Such apps catch up with success soon because of the versatile caliber of Angular’s modules and directories that allow it to load on smartphones and desktops to use the widget’s features. 

Moreover, it facilitates the developers to build flexible widgets based on the devices’ custom needs. Angular eases it to emerge with real-time data and dynamically exhibit it.

5. Enterprise Web Apps

AngularJS holds TypeScript that holds all the features that assist in developing large-scale apps, like navigation, advanced refactoring, autocompletion, and more. Besides, Angular design’s architecture makes the code easy-to-rescue and maintain over various platforms. 

6. User-generated Content Portals

User-generated sites need high-level management and security. Angular has eased it by introducing inner HTML to showcase user-generated content, while its in-built sanitizer, DomSanitizer, is the best security feature. Using the elements in inline styles would be problematic. Also, Angular supports big technicalities that user-generated content sites need and handle. 

Also Read: Angular vs AngularJs for Application Development

What Are The Advantages Of Vue?

Vue Language

A rapidly growing JS framework, Vue.js is fully functional in the open-source community with no relevant backing. 

Vue.js takes over various plus points of Angular and React, and therefore some experts take it as an unofficial child of both of these. 

Now, let’s put some light on the pros of Vue. 

1. Declarative Templates

In Vue.js, templates are written in HTML that one can read without any expertise in programming languages. This HTML template syntax facilitates binding declaratively the rendered DOM (Document Object Model) to instance data. 

2. Tools & Libraries

  • Vue Router – Components for Routing and Mapping.
  • Vue.js Official CLI – To build and install Vue’s 3rd-party plugins and core libraries. 
  • Vue Loader – Web packs loader
  • Development Tools – For debugging the apps you develop with Vue.js

3. Data Binding

Akin to Angular, Vue.js also utilizes two-way binding for data sync in different components. But, it also embraces Prop, a custom attribute that you can assign to any components that use one-way data binding.

4. Future Ready

This framework is known for its robust production environment, and therefore, there’s no need to update or routinely check the app for improvements or bug fixes. Vue makes the process of updating easier by default. 

5. Progressive

Integration or migration of Vue can be easily handled by consistently introducing the framework into code while components’ development is in progress without wasting any development time. 

6. Pure JavaScript

This framework utilizes JS with no need for test engineers or web developers to learn other programming languages. Thus, it has a softer learning curve and rapid adaptation. Vue’s simplicity benefits the developers looking to upscale string template syntax while decreasing errors within the code. 

7. Efficient & Small

Vue is small in size as it doesn’t hold various in-built features. Despite this, it expands its functionalities using 3rd-party apps. That’s why Vue needs very little storage and is widely used for its high-speed parameter compared to other front-end frameworks, like Reach and Angular. 

8. Components & Reusability

One more feature that makes this framework so favorable is the ease of reusing its code. Also, you can integrate its smaller interactive pieces of the app’s code, such as its views and components. This act will not lay any negative impact on your current infrastructure. This feature makes Vue a fantastic tool for appending various reactive components into an existing template. 

Furthermore, state management between its components may be relevant to each other with the assistance of a state manager known as the Vuex. Its features like Views and Vue-Router ease the single-page apps’ development. 

9. Virtual DOM

Vue utilizes virtual DOMs to diminish page loading time and perform efficiently. The use of virtual DOMs reduces server-side rendering, and this optimizes speed.

Moreover, it’s ranked highest among the other current front-end frameworks. 

10. Flexibility

JS has always been applauded for its flexibility, and it is known as one of the most flexible programming languages. 

Although, with the frontend development of Vue, that flexibility has reached a new edge. 

Vue facilitates you to write templates with the assistance of HTML, JS, or even JSX (JavaScript syntax extension). You can integrate Vue with any project because of its lightweight code and component-based structure.

Developers who find it comfortable to use the framework of Angular or React wouldn’t face any issue in transitioning into Vue. It is a combination of both frameworks’ features. 

That’s why with Vue, you can build your app adopting a structure and approach you find appropriate. 

11. State Management

Vue provides Vuex, a state management library, and assists in developing and managing complex apps. 

12. Documentation

Besides its simple syntax, this framework is intuitive. It’s extensively documented. Its documentation video courses and core library targeted towards the view layer make it simple for you to perceive its concept and include them. 

Even if you hold a basic knowledge of JS and HTML, you can build apps using the Vue.js document object model. 

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What Are the Advantages of Angular?

Angular Language

By getting updates periodically, Angular is the most used JavaScript framework. It holds good backing from Google and offers a complete web app development package. 

1. Directives

AngularJS introduced directives first, and with each update, their usability has increased. Moreover, it permits developers to expand HTML components’ functionality. The directives best manipulate the behavior and DOM (Document Object Model) trees’ data. 

2. Cross-Platform

Angular holds the caliber to develop progressive web apps, desktop apps, and mobile apps for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems, a cross-platform web development solution. 

3. Core Library

Angular holds various in-built libraries that ease development work.

In the Angular-CLI project, core libraries are in-built, such as RxJS. 

That’s why there’s no need to build libraries from external 3rd-parties.

Additionally, it comes with various in-built API-specific and front-end-specific libraries. 

4. Complete Framework Package

A complete package for web development, Angular.js includes the MEAN stack. Here, 

  • M is MongoDB, a NoSQL database,
  • E is Express.JS, which is back-end middleware, 
  • A is Angular, the front-end JS framework, and
  • N is Node.JS, which is the runtime environment.

Angular encapsulates every software development aspect. However, most users need to use the Angular framework as it holds the working functionality of full-fledged web development tools. 

5. Data Binding

Angular uses two-way binding, making data maintenance easier across different layers. It assists in having bidirectional data flow between distinct components. 

Moreover, it will ensure that the logic layers and view components are always in sync with no extra effort. You can achieve this using a ngModel directive in Angular.

6. TypeScript

An advanced version of JavaScript is TypeScript. Like in other front-end frameworks, the code complies with JS, but TypeScript enables error detection while typing, which leads to increased performance. 

7. Incredible Tooling

Angular’s declarative and simple templates assist rapid development. Moreover, you can extend the template language with your components and utilize a wide array of current components. 

8. Third-party Integrations

It facilitates easy integration of 3rd-party apps, offering more flexibility and tools for app development. 

9. High Performance

The framework offers high performance to the developer through Ivy renderer, hierarchical dependency injection, Angular Universal support, differential loading, and AOT compiler.

10. Customizable Framework 

The developers can integrate modules and elements easily from other frameworks and customize them as needed. Using Angular HTML elements is also feasible by wrapping them as a DOM element. 

11. Google Support

Long-term Google support helps with detailed documentation and offers the possibility of framework expansion with enhanced development features.

12. Updates Recommendation

Angular CLI offers routine loaders, dependencies, and plugins recommendations. 

What Are The Disadvantages Of Vue?

Vue Language

Let’s check out the cons of Vue.js.

1. Availability of Numerous Options is Problematic

As we know, Vue comes with various options. Yes, it’s good to have numerous possibilities, we agree. But, when you have a massive project, and many developers are working on it, this may lead to an issue. 

In your team, every developer will opt for a distinct programming approach as per their outlook. So, this results in over-complicating the project, which invites more irregularities and errors within the code. It lays a direct impact and increases the duration and, thereby, the project’s cost. 

2. Limited Resources

While putting aside the significant growth of this framework in the past few years, it still holds a long way to run. But, in the case of several available plugins for themselves and their counterparts, the difference will appear to be in hundreds. Vue’s plugins that perform with other frameworks are not well supported.

3. Restricted Community & Language Barriers

As Vue is a new framework developing apps at an exceptional rate, still, it’s not as famous as its counterparts, Angular and React. Vue holds a large number of non-English speaking users.

Pieces of code and tutorials are written in Chinese (as developed by a Chinese-American) and can be tough to grab for English-speaking developers. The pace at which it’s constantly growing may leave its tutorials outdated. 

Therefore, if you find it tough to code with Vue, you would need to try forums for discussions as the plugin descriptions would not be in English. 

4. Less Financial Support From Enterprises

Vue is in the development phase; still, it’s a young framework and can’t compete with relatively more established frameworks, such as Angular. The makers of Vue.js are just a few; that’s why it holds limited support. Having a closed community is its significant disadvantage. Therefore, it doesn’t catch up with much financial assistance from enterprises that can back an app development team and resolve emerging issues quickly. 

5. Code Reactivity

Vue has two-way binding nature, which makes it worthwhile to build and sync components across an app.

Moreover, it renders data pieces or features’ parts that the DOM triggered. 

What Are The Disadvantages Of Angular?

Angular Language

When it comes to Angular, it arrives with cons also. Let’s review some:

1. Angular Versions. 

It’s a huge hassle to migrate from AngularJS to Angular, specifically when the framework app is vast. Also, learning about every version leads to a steeper learning curve and decreased popularity. 

2. Complexity 

Regardless of Angular’s component-based architecture, its repetitiveness and components’ management make it complex for its development community. 

3. Heavily Weighted Framework 

Angular apps become heavy because of various features and abstraction from the framework that we can’t avoid because they are bundled inside. 

4. Performance Tradeoff

Angular dom-manipulation may lead to a performance tradeoff on old devices because of two-way binding. The browser will be busy manipulating the DOM elements and consuming lots of computer resources. 

It does not apply to the latest computers even if they have sufficient RAM/CPUs.

Moreover, mobile devices with older versions may experience a lag because of all the inherent abstraction developed inside Angular. 

5. SEO Limitations 

Angular is best for developing high-performing single-page web apps. Although, like all SPAs, it holds a limitation in SEO. 

As SPAs stay on the client-side, search engines like Bing and Google can’t view their pages’ content and structure completely. This restriction makes websites unable to display anything correctly in search engine results. 

Although some packages and technologies help resolve this, they need extra effort to build. 

6. Decreasing Popularity

With the development of new frameworks, like ReactJS and VueJS, Angular’s popularity is degrading. 

7. Coupled to JavaScript+Typescript

If you want to use Angular, you need to install JavaScript on your machine. 

So, when JavaScript is found unavailable in the OS, it can create an issue, and end-users will need to install it to develop an Angular app and run it. 

8. Migration

Enterprises usually don’t give Angular the first preference as it’s tough to migrate legacy js/jquery-based code to Angular-style architecture.

Enterprises find it quite challenging to maintain the speed with an interactive and fast development cycle holding a new version of Angular and the community producing new features.

Moreover, every new release is tough to upgrade and is not even backward compatible. So, one needs to consider development time and cost to complete the project. 

9. Angular is Developed on Two New Languages RXjs and Typescript

While typescript is only a type-safe JS and simple for old developers, RXjs on the other edge can be tough to understand, even when the developer is experienced. 

RXjs, reactive programming is a unique paradigm from a development outlook and demands just a bit of time to catch it up and master it.

RXjs is a vast library, such as the STL (Standard Template Library), and demands a lot of practice to learn compared to other alternatives available. 

What Companies Use Vue?

Vue Language

From team collaboration applications to music streaming applications, we can build anything with Vuejs. 

Let’s check out a few apps developed on Vuejs.

1. Teleo: Team Collaboration App

A team collaboration app, Teleo, is used for project management. It facilitates its users working on their projects to assign tasks, track their team progress using Kanban boards, organize details with shared or private notebooks, communicate through group chat, and a lot more needed for a team to access the projects and their progress in one place. 

2. Phone Harbor: Virtual Phone Number Manager

Phone Harbor is an app for managing virtual phone numbers with features, such as voicemail, call forwarding, voicemail, etc. The app facilitates its users to link to their Twilio account to get programmatic calls in only a few minutes. Additionally, the users get some control buttons, such as setting a dedicated number for calls forwarding or voicemails. 

3. Listarific: Personal Organization

This app facilitates users to stay well-organized by handling their routine work. The app offers many templates that can be chosen to define the list type, ranging from Shopping List, ToDos, Contacts, Travel Plans, etc. 

4. Gitlab

Implements complicated features that help the current community to enhance its administration, reporting, analytics, and code management. GitLab carried Vue’s slow migration for its ease in building advanced components with less effort. 

5. Laravel Spark

It enjoys seamless front-end app functioning on the client-side. Moreover, it provides full control over SaaS apps. It demanded custom-built Vue components for developing well-crafted features for Laravel Spark’s Primer client version. 

6. Habitica: A Habit Tracking App

A productivity and habit-building app, Habitica permits the users to live their lives like a game. The users get in-game awards or their every right habit towards attaining goals, while punishments for getting deflected from the targets. This application provides an artistic way to organize a balanced and healthy lifestyle. 

7. Leafplayer: Music Streaming App

Permits its users to host their music files privately. This way, users can access their favorite playlists through the internet, anywhere. It embraces the ease of sorting music by playlists, albums, and artists using the search button. 

8. Font Awesome: Vector Icon Kit

A website, which assists in finding the best vector icons and social logos online. The site holds a collection of paid and free icons categorized according to the theme. 

9. Grammarly

Vue’s template engine syntax and data binding assisted in creating essential IDE features for emerging with an easily understandable and intuitive online editor revealing contextual layout and simplistic design.

10. Behance

Creates custom solutions that can tend uniformly to the app code and standardize the app with every new visual feature appended over the year. Above all, using Vue, Behance can craft a roster shift quickly between developers. 

11. Adobe Portfolio

With Vue, it became capable of migrating from a current framework seamlessly without any data loss or complications. Also, this framework assists Adobe in developing customized tools that facilitate users to craft modernized sites through Adobe creatives.

What Companies Use Angular?

Angular Language

Now, let’s check out some apps developed on Angular. 

1. Forbes

Forbes, the most visited site, is made with Angular 5. In the US, it responds to 74+ million queries monthly, covering many different topics. 

2. Gmail

Holds an easy interface and flawless experience, which are the performance standards. As 1.5+ billion users use this product, it’s a good reason to prefer Angular when developing a big user-oriented app. 

3. PayPal

Best at fast and simple online money transfer, which looks perfect and performs well. The credit goes to Angular only. 

PayPal facilitates money transfers between companies and individuals. On the platform, there are 305+ million active users. It’s known as one of the top online payment service providers because its fantastic website performance and caliber to manage high loads build up its position. 

4. Microsoft Office

This documentation software chooses to migrate on the online platform with its Office 365 API. Using Angular, its single-page view with a great UI became possible. 

5. Mixer 

A live streaming platform for video games used Angular to craft the best interface of its video streaming facilities. Moreover, it supported the team to update Single-page apps’ data in real-time. 


This Weather Channel uses Angular for its UI to separate teams and manage its separate directories. Angular facilitates the website integrating various maps, video streaming, real-time broadcasting for news updates. 

7. Wikiwand

A new solution we can install on our browser, Wikiwand, offers an impressive Wikipedia experience. With Angular, this website has emerged with improved design, a user-oriented interface, and better navigations that can improve the face of the old Wiki.

8. JetBlue

A website with low-cost American airlines developed on Angular carries millions of passengers every year. It needs to handle high loads and showcase an exceptional interface to users. Using Angular, JetBlue has accomplished that strength. 

Syntax Vue vs. Angular

Vue Language
Angular Language

Developers who have worked with both the frameworks, Vue and Angular, find the former one simpler in syntax. 

Let’s elaborate!

Angular uses TypeScript (with decorators and injectors), so developers should have a basic understanding of the language. Moreover, they need to have experience with OOPS concepts. Because of its rigid structure rules, conducting simple actions also demand long lines of code. Its syntax is much more complex as compared to Vue. 

On the contrary, Vue’s structure is intuitive, and it holds components that are easy to deploy as they are significantly an aggregate of JS and HTML features. Developers looking to upscale string template syntax and reduce errors within the code may use this framework to get its benefits. 

Here’s the syntax of both frameworks:

  1. Angular
  <h2>Hello {{name}}</h2>
Import {  Component  } from ‘@angular/core’ ;

@Component ({
  selector:  ‘my – app’,
  templateUrl:  ‘src/app/app.component.html’

export class AppComponent {
  constructor() {}
  name: string = ‘Angular 2’;
  1. Vue
vue syntax

Vue Or Angular Which One To Choose?

Vue Language
Angular Language

A framework arrives with different feature sets and libraries and holds distinct learning curves. 

Going deeper, you will find Vue a clear choice for less experienced developers. 

On the other side, if you need to develop larger apps, you can pick Angular. 

Angular holds a large library that may demand more effort in understanding what’s new. 

When we talk about Vue, it will win in this case, as its most recent two releases reside in separate repositories.

Also, the point to note here is Vue’s creator has formerly worked on Angular for Google, so you can keep this on track as it would help you make the right decision between these two. 

Next, we will differentiate between these two frameworks; this will help you clear your thoughts about which one to choose. 

Differences Between Vue & Angular

Vue Language
Angular Language

Let’s consider the below factors to decide the right front-end development framework for your next project. 

Factors Vue Angular
ScalabilityRepositories break-up would be required to scaleEasy scalability by designs.
SecuritySanitizationSanitizer, security resources, external tools.
Learning Curve Easy because of simple syntax.Steep because of extensive functionality and additional concepts.
Development SpeedFast as it’s easy to develop.Takes a long time when the app is complex.
FeaturesMVC, pure JS, two-way data binding, virtual DOMMVC, two-way data binding, in-built templates and functions, CLI, dependency injection, Angular CDK.
Performance Faster because it’s lightweightTakes time because of enterprise-level apps.

1. Application Architecture

  • Angular

Angular holds a Model-View-Controller architectural pattern that separates the app logic from the UI layer and efficiently backs the separation of concerns. Moreover, the architecture assists in code components’ organization according to performance and design variations. Also, it eases the development structure by merging the two-way data binding and the MVC pattern. 

Angular sets apart business logic from the UI components, making developers confident in designing a clean UI with seamless, applicable business logic.

  • Vue

It follows the ViewModel approach and chooses the MVVM pattern, especially while developing a large-scale app. 

The View part and the Model part stay linked in a two-way binding approach. 

Let’s see what M, V, VM stands for in Vue:

  • Model: It performs akin to JavaScript’s Model object. When the data object gets in the Model part, the data instance is moved into reactive elements for directly building the right storage layers. 
  • View: In Vue’s View part, the DOM instances’ management takes place. It utilizes DOM-based templating to craft root elements and match them with the needed DOM components. 
  • ViewModel: It handles the synchronization requirements between the code’s Model and the View part. This object is the main part where the developers interact with the code. 

The architecture of Vue and its DOM structures are divided into two parts, the Directives, and the Filters. Vue follows a View layer pattern, so the app development will become flexible and straightforward considering this.

Verdict: Angular 

Well, in terms of architecture, Angular wins as –  

Angular executes MVC and MVVM for dynamic web apps and website development, whereas Vue targets ViewModel and showcases little details. 

2. Scalability 

  • Angular

Angular is a complete front-end framework holding the caliber to develop enterprise-level apps with constant support from Google and other well-established corporations. It’s scalable because of its feature designs and robust command-line interface.

Grouping modules and folders according to their logical units and features offers a scalable project that organizes a complex app’s large codes.

Additionally, designing the page data model with the typescript features and crafting a single file for every CRUD operation are the alternatives for enhancing scalability. 

  • Vue

As Vue is a lightweight framework; it’s usually picked for building small-time apps and not scalable apps regardless of its caliber to expand an app with its flexible tools. It’s pretty unbelievable that Vue can provide scalability, but it’s limited to some extent. When you fork a Vue app, it breaks into various repositories to isolate the app for easy scaling according to a need. As its architecture is a little dynamic, you can attain scalability by using Mixin elements and web packs that Vue offers to override the code extending the limitations. 

Verdict: Angular

Well, in terms of scalability, Angular wins –  

Angular offers scalability by designing with its modular development structure, whereas Vue is a lightweight framework and may demand a bigger strategy, including forking, separate plugins, and repositories break down to offer scalability that also to an extent only. 

3. Testing an App

  • Angular

In Angular, to conduct testing, developers need all JS codes to conduct a series of tests. The ease of testing allows us to build a project from scratch and smoothly test the components. 

In Angular, you can manage all the controllers and scopes, and the credit goes to the dependency injection. Also, the unit test functionality of this framework can push dependency injection to conduct testing by injecting dummy/mock data into the controller. After this, the assessment of the outcome and its behavior takes place. 

  • Vue

The testing capabilities of Vue may be ordinary, but it’s efficient and straightforward, making it a rising star yet. It may not arrive with excessive luxurious tools and even doesn’t weaken the testing caliber of its code. 

Vue’s unit testing is similar to other frameworks and typically utilizes Mocha, Jest, or Chai. Some officially recommended libraries of Vue are Vue Test Utils and Vue Testing Library. They offer access to the app and user-specific APIs, making code debugging and refactoring less valuable. 

Verdict: Angular

Well, in terms of testing, Angular wins as –  

Angular holds a fantastic testing system and offers various tools that study the whole development code separately, whereas Vue comes with fewer testing guidelines, which makes it challenging for developers to provide a flawless app. 

4. Suitability for Developing Complex Apps

  • Angular

One of the most preferred front-end frameworks, Angular helps create complex and large-scale, enterprise-level apps. Some widely-used SPAs, like Forbes, Gmail, PayPal, etc., use Angular architecture for building complex apps. Its caliber of limitless scalability permits apps to expand without concerning size. Its reusable codes feature facilitates the development of various platforms, and its high performance enhances its experience and boosts its speed. 

  • Vue

Developers may find it hard to develop complex apps with Vue; the coding parts become pretty hard. Developing complex apps demand a code that can interlink various underlying components, but this framework makes it challenging to standardize the components’ order. Still, Vue’s developers have a scope. Using VueX, they can build complex apps without even writing any spaghetti code. A state management library of Vue, Vuex is best specifically for diminishing complications by using Vue’s reactivity strength. 

Verdict: Angular

Well, here Angular wins –  

Various factors make the development of complex apps easy using Angular, like its scalability, which simplifies the organization of complex apps’ codes, its MVC that can divide the app into distinct components, which also supports complex apps,

5. Security 

  • Angular

A high level of security and management is essential for user-generated websites. Client-side platforms also need protection against cross-site scripting, which is one of the noticeable vulnerabilities.

You can prevent such attacks with some in-built provisions that the framework offers.

Angular, by default, treats all the values as untrustworthy as attackers can enter malicious code through the attribute, property, and even through provided value. 

This framework comes with inner HTML that displays the user-generated content and an in-built sanitizer, DOM-sanitizer, which is a security feature. It includes other security resources also, like maintenance of updated libraries, AOT usage for compiling HTML templates and components, and update of content security policy in the security-reviewed code. 

  • Vue 

The Vue’s creator, Evan himself, once said that “built-in sanitizer would add extra bundle weight for a rare use case.” Therefore, it’s impossible to protect Vue codes from XSS or other vulnerability attacks. But, before implementing the correct code in the app database, if we sanitize the HTML codes or get the assistance of external libraries, we will get the chance of confronting the security issues.

However, Vue can also automatically inject basic executable HTML, JS codes, and URLs to keep the app safe before and after rendering. 

Verdict: Angular

Well, in terms of security, Angular wins as – 

Angular is considered a secured framework. It follows the best practices and arrives with its internal security features and external tools.

6. Rapid App Development

  • Angular 

Using Angular, developers need to invest less effort and time as it permits them to reuse codes and make the development process flawless. Moreover, this framework brings along more functionality with the shorter codes, which makes it productive for the teams working back-to-back on similar projects. The attribute provides flexibility in coding, which makes it unique, and its simple design architecture is the reason behind it. When we talk about its flexibility, it facilitates beginners to start and customize their app projects seamlessly. Additionally, this framework handles complex and heavy web apps that exceptionally include components and features. 

  • Vue

It’s better to create creative apps, but it’s best to build them faster. As Vue is lightweight and includes rendering features, it will assist in developing applications quickly. Single-File Components (SFCs) can be created easily using its add-on tools, such as StoryBook, Bit, web packs like Vue loader, and Vue dev-tools. This speeds up the workflow and leads to rapid development. 

Verdict: Draw

Both the frameworks are competitive in terms of development speed as both hold significant points to win this factor. 

7. User Experience

  • Angular

This framework is known for developing UI and handling the frontend independently. As Angular divides into classes, segmentations, and components for a clean coding architecture, it handles the users’ interaction using templates. Moreover, this framework manages data display to the user in a modernized way. Furthermore, its library store manages reactivity, and asynchronous programming makes the app responsive to users and their actions. 

The template language assists in keeping HTML rendering and data binding on the same page. It means whenever the app’s page will render; the framework will interact with the template syntax and update the view swiftly. Here, information updation and exhibition will take place with no time gap between. 

  • Vue

Considering the tech stack Vue offers, developers find it an ideal choice for crafting an eye-catchy and interactive web app UI. Its Virtual DOM makes sure that the alterations made within the app don’t directly be caught up visually, giving more chances for UI design experimentation. The data binding nature of Vue permits developers to conveniently set HTML attributes and values, which they can change anytime without affecting the current code using a binding feature known as v-bind. Using material components and UI tools, such as Chakra-ui-Vue, and Cron generator, developers can customize animations, templates, and transitions according to their needs. 

Verdict: Draw

Both frameworks deliver the best user experience.

8. Application Size

  • Angular

As we have read, Angular apps are usually enterprise-level apps, so you can expect bigger-sized apps. Medium-sized Angular apps generally range between 250 KB – <500 KB. Obviously, larger and more complex apps will exceed those figures; one needs to use a compiler for compressing the bundle sizes. 

  • Vue

As we have mentioned, Vue is a lightweight framework, which indicates that the app size should be lighter than others. A basic Vue app’s size lies between 50KB to 100KB, which is just fine. When Vue CLI loads the code, in the starting, it can make the app size appear larger. But, after implementing lazy loading components, codes may divide into smaller pieces and improve the load time. Using the tools, such as Vit, NuxtJS, Vue-router, Vuex, and more, there will be no need to write the code from scratch with effective state management that demands unnecessary codes and functions and also eliminates them.

9. Code Maintainability

  • Angular 

Code consistency is essential when the success of the development environment is a matter of concern. In Angular, consistency is maintained at the initial level only through Angular documentation and CLI. Its code reusability feature also helps pace up the app development process for a project within a predefined deadline. 

Angular uses the Plain Old Javascript Objects (POJO) Model to make the code structure independent and handy. This way, there’s no need to add complex methods or functions in the program, reducing dependencies on plugins or external frameworks. 

  • Vue

As Vue is constantly growing; we can’t expect where it will reach in the future. We can notice its pace against various frameworks holding top positions for a long time. So, we can expect easy maintenance of Vue apps. 

Verdict: Angular

Well, in terms of code maintainability, Angular wins as – 

Since the start, Angular has maintained code consistency using its CLI and documentation. Moreover, its reusable code features pace up the development process. 

10. Learning Curve

  • Angular 

We can’t lie the fact that Angular holds a steeper learning curve as it’s a dynamic and vast frontend framework. 

It may be challenging for some developers to cover various topics initially, but it’s worth giving time as later on, it will help with a better understanding of its procedure. 

Angular CLI would appear to have a gentle learning curve for experienced developers to facilitate them to predict compilation behavior. This way, they can generate seamless builds and diminish iteration efforts that result in bad code quality. The developers should choose tech stacks according to their projects’ needs since Angular offers the best solutions for resolving complex issues in large-scale apps. 

  • Vue

The Vue is easy to learn and understand. In fact, one can understand it better within a few hours or less than a week. Vue’s documentation is also easily understandable, although it’s not as rich as the other frameworks. Because of its community language issue, developers may find it tough to learn and share repositories with the community. 

Verdict: Vue

Well, in terms of a learning curve, Vue wins as:

Vue is easy to grasp as it uses pure JS and its templates are written in HTML. So, no need to know any other programming language except JS.

11. Performance

  • Angular

Angular is a high-performing front-end framework that facilitates ultimate performance. It’s powered by an Ivy renderer that’s a rewrite of its rendering engine. It ensures making the app compact and super quick for exceptional performance and compile components that also decrease its development time. The ahead-of-time compilation and advanced change detection mechanism lower the number of times DOM handles app components and pre-compiled HTML before the browser downloads and utilizes them. Perhaps, because of this, Angular is popular as a JS framework for developing high-performing apps. 

  • Vue

Whenever developers add a new feature or extension of a component to a Vue app, it becomes challenging to load faster. Thanks to a virtual DOM of Vue that works as the default tool to help app’s performance optimization. 

One more well-known feature of Vue, lazy loading, assists in improving the load time. 

Vue asynchronously handles 3rd-party libraries by automatically managing the required dependencies by dividing the libraries into the ones that should be appended in the main app bundle and the ones those left in routes aside from the core bundle. 

Verdict: Vue

Well, in terms of performance, Vue wins as:

Vue is overall faster as Angular demands rendering on the server-side which takes much time in downloading and running in the browser or app. 

Similarities Between Vue & Angular

Vue Language
Angular Language

Post the dissimilarities of Angular and Vue, next we will catch up with the similarities between these two.

1. Development Speed

The framework’s inner structure and the community assists developers to know about its ecosystem and perform within it. Speed of development stays affected by developers’ knowledge in terms of respective framework and their caliber to use it seamlessly and professionally. 

A corporate team of professionals maintains Angular, whereas Vue holds a dedicated team and an open-source community. 

It states that Angular has built-in solutions and more extensive documentation. Moreover, it’s older, offering a large professional community

A rich number of 3rd-party add-ons and plugins, light architecture, and compatibility with other technology are Vue’s plus points.

2. Community

Angular and Vue, both the front-end JS frameworks, hold their dedicated communities, their individuals online, and professional front-end developers who assist them in spotting tough questions, who write plugins, and offering ready solutions. 

How To Choose The Right Technology For Your App?

As we revolve around the front-end framework, we will discuss how to choose the right front-end development technology stack. 

Front-end, for example, from client-side web development, includes the entire content which appears on their screens. 

In 2021, the most widely used programming languages among the developers were HTML/CSS and JavaScript all over the globe. If we focus on the figures, around 56% of developers use HTML/CSS, and about 65% use JavaScript. 


Now, we will check out which technology you should choose for developing a web app. 

We will go deeper and find some key tips that will guide you to choose the best tech stack. 

1. Project’s Size & Complexity

The tech stack requirements for a small project vary from mid-size and enterprise projects. The size is the crucial factor to consider. Besides, you should take in the project’s complexity also. The more the projects’ complexity, the more thorough the programming language will be used. 

2. Product’s Functionality & Specification

When you pick a technology stack for web development, you should define your target audience’s needs.

Additionally, be sure about your product’s functionalities as it should hold every additional specification that will make it competitive in the market.

3. Product’s Needed Speed, Functionality, & Performance

The above-discussed factors go a little ahead to the efficiency and compatibility rate of selecting the best tech stack for your web app project. Here, the expected speed, performance, and functions that the project needs to perform for its users will help pick the right tech stack. 

4. System Load Needs

One more critical element you should consider is system load requirements. The processing loads change according to the project you want to complete. Thus, not every tech stack meets every processing load requirement. That’s why you should correlate your prospective project processing loads with the caliber of your tech stack to ensure that it meets that requirement. 

5. Scalability & Flexibility of the Tech Stack

With time, technology is changing, adapting, and updating. So, you need to be aware of the modern web development trends for the upcoming years and consider whether it would be profitable to include them in your project. This way, you will become sure of the scalability and flexibility of the tech stack for web app development if you choose to make your project stay related during every stage of the change.

6. Project’s Timeline

The timeline of future needs of your project also plays an essential role in selecting the right tech stack. Your tech stack shouldn’t be limited to the present needs of your project; it should surely meet the future needs also. It needs to meet the project’s timeline. 

7. Privacy & Security of the Tech Stack for Web App

The privacy level and security of your product design and details will come along your tech stack for the web app you want to develop. Obviously, you won’t wish to run your project and then find that it’s not well secured and can be attacked by external factors. 

8. Qualification & Availability of your Development Specialists

It depends on the operational caliber of your team of developers in using and managing the tech stack.  At this moment, you should consider your developers’ qualifications. If they are new in terms of running the tech stack, that is not going to work ahead. 

9. Current Implementation of Tech Stack You Choose 

Before you finalize the right technology stack, you should research well and emerge with top successful and popular brands using the same tech stack in their development. This may offer you quality assurance. 

10. Checklist of Factors To Check While Choosing a Tech Stack 

  • Defining your resources & needs.
  • Ensure you don’t implement exactly the same as your competitors.
  • First craft an MVP and then test it.
  • When possible opt for ready-made solutions.
  • During SDLC, choose a simple tech stack and stay agile.
  • Invest less in cloud-hosting solutions.
  • Be futuristic in your perception.
Statistic: Most used programming languages among developers worldwide, as of 2021 | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

Requirement-Based Choices 

RequirementsFramework To Choose
Clean CodeVue
Assistance, helping hand, and structureAngular
Easy Learning CurveVue
Big team for extended project needsAngular
Small team structureVue
Project will become large Angular
Expert in OOPAngular
Need lightweight frameworkVue

Hiring an App Developmen Team for Your Next Project

Today, every business needs to build an app to stay ahead of its competitors and reach its target audience. 

Mobile apps can find a way towards new customers and make your business grow. 

You may be an expert at performing your business, but when it comes to a mobile app, you might be a stranger to most of its aspects. 

So, the best way to start is to choose an app development company. 

Well, not to fret, we know you are a newbie. Here is a checklist to consider while hiring a mobile app development company for your business. 

1. Explore Their Portfolio

The portfolio of the company will help you better understand their past work, type, the process they follow, and their capability of accomplishing a project successfully. 

Moreover, invest your time researching their clients. This way you will be able to make the right decision.

2. Check out Reviews

A good work, replays, Similarly, you can go through the reviews of your prospect company, if it’s best at its work, reviews will say it all.  

3. Count on Quality, Not on Pricing

Various companies would put forward their quotes on your table. You shouldn’t get excited with lower prices, despite concentrating on the quality. The best quality may demand high prices, but you should go with the best only. 

4. Explore Platform Options in the Offerings 

You need to choose a platform carefully. Consider your audience, business type, and more and then decide which one to opt for, Android, iOS, or Windows (these are the major ones). You can even cover all three and make an app working on all the platforms. Check what the company holds for you in their plan. 

5. User Experience

Be sure that the company you choose should focus on the user experience and appearance of the app they are developing for you. 

6. Build a Lasting Relationship

Try building a robust link with your company so they will be there for you whenever you need their assistance for your app. 


So, while deciding on a front-end framework, you need to look forward to future development opportunities as you develop a long-term product, which is not likely to migrate soon. 

Well, Angular and Vue are both frameworks that are resourceful. But, with a short time and a small team you can start with Vue, you will not get into any trouble. Angular would be the best option to try to develop a scalable product.

Frequently Asked Questions on Vue vs. Angular

Is Vue better than Angular?

While assessing Angular vs. Vue, we got the differences and similarities of these frameworks. 

A popular app, Grammarly, is built using Vue, and PayPal chose Angular for development. Today, both are counted among successful apps. 

So, both are better, the point to consider is the project needs. You need to choose a framework according to your project requirements. If you choose accordingly, you will witness both performing exceptionally. 

However, for example, in case your business needs more scalability than speed, then you can go with Angular. 

On the contrary, if you are looking for a highly functional but lightweight and small app, Vue would be a better option.

Is Vue easier than Angular?

Vue is a faster and simpler child of React and Angular. It has a soft learning curve, that’s why it is easier to understand and develop an app.

Why is Vue better than React and Angular?

Vue offers higher customizability and therefore is easier to learn than Angular and React. Further, Vue is running ahead in terms of functionality, such as component usage. Therefore, adopting Vue as your front-end framework would be an easy option. 

Is Angular dying?

No, of course not. 
Google created Angular and holds the second position among the most popular tech after Node.js. Even it’s not going to reveal any signs of getting down. Angular arrives with numerous advantages, such as developing web and mobile apps that are in-demand today and will be ahead also. 

Does Google use Angular?

Public-facing apps and websites use Angular, like Google Adword and Google Cloud Platform, and many internal tools. 

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CTO at Emizentech and a member of the Forbes technology council, Amit Samsukha, is acknowledged by the Indian tech world as an innovator and community builder. He has a well-established vocation with 12+ years of progressive experience in the technology industry. He directs all product initiatives, worldwide sales and marketing, and business enablement. He has spearheaded the journey in the e-commerce landscape for various businesses in India and the U.S.